
Change your life through Inner Mastery


Tired of the same old results? Ready for some new thinking? Get practical tips on how to develop Inner Mastery in your professional and personal life.
Learn how to become more effective in your decision making and create more peace of mind.
Discover how to gain more personal power in directing your life.
“During the pandemic we have all come face to face with unprecedented challenges and for me personally Gaia has been a great support in navigating these challenges. Through virtual coaching sessions with Gaia I have had the advantage of an always attentive sounding board and with a holistic approach been able to make great progress during a difficult time. Highly recommend grabbing the opportunity to avail of Gaia's coaching services.
Lone Christiansen
Senior Sales Manager hos GRUNDFOS. -Denmark
Executive coach and leadership development specialist
Keava strives to understand the needs, goals and vision of an organisation and the needs of the individuals within an organisation. A genuine, warm, empathic, people person, highly skilled in coaching individuals and teams, Keava has specialist skills in transformational coaching and will work with leadership teams to facilitate and implement change. A driven, committed and highly organised individual, Keava builds long lasting relationships with clients in order to provide a person centred professional service. I look forward to having the opportunity to work with Keava again in the future
Brenda McEvoy
Employment Facilitator & Job Coach - EmployAbility Services Louth

Change your Life with Inner Mastery

Join us for our FREE webinar and learn how to maximise your potential , become more effective in your decision making , get practical tips on how you can affect how others respond to you , become emotionally effective and create more mental resilience and wellness in your life.

Over 60 minutes we will talk about:

1. The WHAT & the WHY of Inner Mastery – Learn what mastery of the self is and how some of the most success people apply it in their everyday life.

2.Rewiring your brain for Inner Mastery – Gain a basic understanding of how you can use your brain’s ability to create new pathways to change how you respond to the world.

3.Building your Inner Mastery muscles – Discover how you can develop your Inner Mastery by developing your innate emotional Intelligence.

Do you want to be in control and have more power in directing your life?

Are you feeling irritated with yourself thinking about where you could be now had you picked another path in life ?

Are you afraid about the future seeing other people around you getting ahead while you feel stuck ?

Are you feeling anxious as you are constantly juggling with too many demands ?

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can improve your personal and professional life to realise your ambitions RESERVE now your place limited to 10 participants per session.


If none of the dates suits you, please get in touch:

The Inner Mastery Experience
Join us for a 5 weeks life changing experience .

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

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